Tell a friend. Help your network. Earn money.
Know a business that needs help scaling? When you refer a business to us, you get paid up to $1,000 for each person placed!
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This Year
Know a business that needs help scaling? When you refer a business to us, you get paid up to $1,000 for each person placed!
If a business you refer hires a Flexscaler, we pay you $500 after 2 successful weeks of employment.
Start referringIf a business you refer hires a Flexscaler, we pay you $80 per month for each month of active employment up to 12 months.
Start referringWe pay out once per month, at the end of the month. When you sign up we will request your information to set up deposits.
When you sign up, we will assign you to a Partnerships Manager. You can refer someone by simply emailing an intro to your Partnerships Manager.
When someone hires a Flexscaler, they get a 2 week trial period. As soon as that trial ends, we pay you on the first billing cycle.